#4 Rails Upgrade News #004: Rails 6.1's Disallowed Deprecations; Migrating to Bundler 2; and Rack 2.1.x released

Happy Wednesday!

Here is issue #004 of our newsletter, where we collect news and tools that we find interesting for your Rails project.

1. The Complete Guide to Strong Parameters: Migrating from protected attributes to strong parameters can be a HUGE project. This week we published a complete guide to help you in your next migration project! We even published a gem to save you some time: `rails_upgrader`. 🖖🏼

2. A Migration Path to Bundler 2: An insightful article about Bundler 2.0.1; RubyGems 2.5+; and what steps you can take to migrate your Rails app to the most recent version of Bundler.

3. Rack 2.1.0 and 2.1.1 have been released: There is now support for new status codes (Early Hints and Too Early status codes) and support for SameSite=None cookie value among other things. Check the CHANGELOG link above. 🚀

4. Rails 6.1 will have support for Disallowed Deprecations: Getting rid of deprecation warnings will now be easier. Once you have fixed all occurrences of a deprecation warning, you will be able to use Disallowed Deprecations to make sure no one else introduces a change that will bring back the deprecation warning you addressed. This will make our job at FastRuby.io easier in future upgrade projects! 🤓

5. An Interview with Matz: We really enjoyed this interview with the creator of Ruby. ❤️

I hope you find these links useful. Feel free to forward it to your friends! ;)

Have a nice week!

Founder & Software Engineer at fastruby.io (we upgrade your Rails app so you don't have to...)

Don't wait to bring your Rails application up to date.

We will get on a quick call and recommend a couple of options to start upgrading your Rails app.