#73 RailsConf 2023 Workshops, Easy Performance Wins, Rack::Deflater, and more... βš‘πŸ—‘οΈπŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈ

Happy Thursday!

Here is issue #73 of our newsletter, where we collect news and tools that we find interesting for your current or future Rails projects:

πŸ“£ PSA: We're putting on our always-popular Rails Upgrade workshop at RailsConf 2023!

1. Greg Molnar just released Part 2 of his Rails tricks series! Click here to read all about them.

2. Are you interested in quick performance wins? Gusto found a setting that made their system tests 4x faster! ⚑

Are you new to Rails performance monitoring? πŸ’Ž New RailsConf Talk! πŸ’Ž Rails Performance Monitoring 101: A Primer for Junior Developers

3. Take out the trash at lightning speed! Shopify wrote an interesting article on how they made huge performance improvements to their Garbage Collection module by changing settings. πŸ—‘οΈ

4. Are you using Rack::Deflater? If not, you're missing out on an easy way to reduce text response sizes. Aman Kumar explains why he loves it in his latest blog post.

5. How do you get the best of puma-dev and Caddy? AndrΓ© Arko figured it out! πŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈ

We hope you find these links useful. Feel free to forward it to your friends! ;)


The FastRuby.io Team

Don't wait to bring your Rails application up to date.

We will get on a quick call and recommend a couple of options to start upgrading your Rails app.