#92 🎉 Ruby 3.3, New Year's Resolutions, Dual-Booting Guides, and Turbo 8…

Happy Wednesday!

Here is issue #92 of our newsletter with news and the best tools for your current or future Rails projects…

1. 🤿 And just like that, Ruby 3.3 is here!! Dive into the newest features and improvements Ruby 3.3 brings.

2. ⚠️ In his last article, Ariel explains how the Dual-Boot technique can be used to test the app against Rails’ main branch to catch problems and warnings before a new version is released.

3. 🔨 Aysan hits the nail on its head with this comprehensive guide, breaking down our Roadmap Service and the possible challenges you might face.

🎉 Embarking on Tech Debt Remediation is like a “New Year, New You” resolution!

Kickstart your Ruby upgrade project with our fixed-cost, monthly maintenance service: Bonsai – Upgrade your Ruby and Rails dependencies the slow and steady way. Upgrade plans start at $2,000/month.

4. ⚖️ Rails at Scale has a deep dive into the IRB changes in Ruby 3.3.0.

5. 🪲 Have you had a chance to explore Ruby's Global Constants and Variables? Ariel touches on what they are and what information can be set to simplify your scripts or debug problems.

6. 🤔 Interesting article from Jon about a Turbo 8 Page Refreshes (+ Morphing)

Bookmark them, share them, or save them. We hope you found these links helpful ;)


The FastRuby.io Team

Don't wait to bring your Rails application up to date.

We will get on a quick call and recommend a couple of options to start upgrading your Rails app.