A Step-by-Step Guide to Upgrading Your Ruby Version

Every year, Ruby enthusiasts anticipate the December release of a new Ruby version. At the end of 2023, Ruby 3.3 was released and you can read this article to learn more about the new features and improvements it brings. This makes it a good time to start considering if your application is due for an upgrade.

Upgrading your application can sound complicated and difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. Below, we will discuss how to identify when to upgrade your Ruby version and the steps necessary to complete a smooth and successful upgrade.

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RubyConf 2023 – A Ruby Renaissance

Late last year our team members headed to beautiful San Diego to join the incredible Ruby community at RubyConf 2023. Attending the conference is always a highlight, and we were excited to participate as a sponsor and engage with attendees, learn and share expertise, and have some fun.

The Ruby community is special. It has an incredibly inclusive and supportive culture that feels different than other languages. It was great to take some time to come together and enjoy the community’s hard work, network, and plan for the future.

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Serving ActiveStorage attachments through a CDN

Here at FastRuby.io we always try to have our own applications in such a state that they can always be pointed to as models in terms of performance and accessibility.

One of the tools we use to achieve that is our CDN. After all, considering we have clients everywhere from the US to New Zealand, we want anyone perusing our websites to have good loading times for the pages and, especially, the assets.

However, no matter how thorough, one always misses a spot or two.

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How to use Brakeman to find Rails security vulnerabilities

Security is a huge concern for web applications. To protect your Rails app from potential vulnerabilities and threats, it’s essential to perform regular security assessments. Brakeman, a widely used static analysis tool for Ruby on Rails, can help you identify security vulnerabilities proactively.

In this article, we’ll explore how to use Brakeman to check your Rails app for security vulnerabilities.

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Deploying Rails on Fly.io

Recently, Robby Russel posted posted on Twitter asking for Heroku alternatives for small Rails apps. Since it got quite a bit of traction, I decided to explore some options and post my experiences as blog posts.

For my first post, I’ll go for one that I’ve already used in the past and liked it very much: Fly.io

I like them because they’re dead simple and have great docs. The dashboard is pretty good too, but since I’m not one to have too many requirements around my apps, the simplicity of use is what I like the most.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Our Roadmap Service

One of our biggest goals as a company is to aim for transparency and honesty when evaluating a project for an upgrade. We understand that the decision to hire an outside vendor versus doing it in house becomes a difficult one. To provide confidence and a clear path to completing an upgrade, before we even begin a project we invest time in doing a thorough investigation of the project to provide the most accurate and detailed game plan for an upgrade.

In this blog, we are going to break down our Roadmap service and explain how it can be used to guide you and your team to making decisions when it comes to upgrading your application.

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How and Why to Measure Dependency Freshness in your Ruby Application

Whether you are working in a legacy Ruby application, or a brand new application, measuring your dependency freshness score can be a positive indicator to understand whether you are staying current or gradually falling out of date.

Dependency freshness is defined as the difference between the currently used version of a dependency and the version that the system would ideally use.

In this article, I will discuss a couple of ways to keep track of how outdated or how fresh your dependencies really are.

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Exploring Ruby's Global Constants and Variables

By default, Ruby defines many constants and global variables that can be used in the code to get information about the current state of the application and the runtime. In this article we’ll go over most of them to understand what they are and what information we can set and get to simplify our scripts or to debug problems.

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How to Reduce The Cost of Upgrading Rails with FastRuby.io

In the first article of this series, we discussed How Much Does It Cost to Upgrade Rails based on our historical data working on over 100 upgrade projects. In this article we’ll discuss how to minimize the cost once you’ve decided to move forward on an upgrade so your team can continue to focus on valuable product feature or roadmap work.

Working with our team of experts to upgrade your Rails application allows you to stay compliant and take advantage of the benefits and security updates of a supported version, while also letting your team focus on revenue-generating initiatives. Still, it can be a significant investment, especially, as we covered in the previous post, if your project requires a high level of manual QA, for example.

There are, however, ways to reduce the time (and therefore cost) it takes to upgrade your Rails application when working with an external team. In this article, we’ll cover a few different strategies. Does it mean you can’t upgrade unless you do all of this? No, it doesn’t. Being an Agile team allows us to adapt to your process and workflow and work with any team to get the upgrade done. However, employing at least one of these strategies can make your upgrade more cost-effective.

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Evolution of ActionController::Parameters from Rails 4 to 5

Upgrading a legacy Rails application often presents challenges, especially when migrating from Rails 4 to 5.

One significant evolution lies within the ActionController::Parameters class, Rails 5 removes the Hash inheritance which breaks application behavior. If you want to be prepared for that, keep reading this post.

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Test doubles: Testing at the boundaries of your Ruby application

One essential tool that we as software developers rely on is known as “test doubles.” These versatile components come in various forms, including dummies, fakes, stubs, spies, and mocks. However, like other power tools, they require careful handling to prevent unintended consequences.

In this post, we’ll explore the strategic use of test doubles at the boundaries of our application, harnessing their full potential while minimizing associated risks.

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